Samantha Mejia "Sea Jewels"
Part I : Biographical Information
Name of Participant: Samantha Mejia
Home City/Country: Caracas / Venezuela
Email address: samanthamejia@gmail.com
Website address: https://samanthamejia.wixsite.com/arte
One sentence biography
Born in 1977 in Caracas. BA in Literature. Illustrator. In her mid-thirties decided to study painting with Patrizia Rizzo, at Tessari Rizzo Museum.
Presentation History:
Samantha Mejia is an emerging artist based in Caracas, who works primarly in oil. As a self taught illustrator and designer for 20 years, she prefered to approach art education independently, until she decided to studied extensively with the figurative realist painter Patrizia Rizzo. She has exhibited in group shows nationally and internationally. 1st Place Awards received for her work include: National Fine Arts Exhibition, Puerto Cabello, Venezuela, (2014); Drawing Rescue "Carlos Serfaty", Ateneo de Guacara, Venezuela, (2015) and International Painting Competition, Trino Tortosa Gallery, Spain, (2016). At present, her work explores the relation between origami and nature, as a representation of the inner child, the unconcious wounds and the trauma healing.
Title of Exhibition, Performance, Publication, Location (city and country), year.
* 1st National Fine Arts Exhibition (Puerto Cabello, Venezuela), 2014.
* Visual Arts Municipal Exhibition "Juan Lovera" (Caracas, Venezuela), 2015.
* Group Exhibition: Drawing Rescue "Carlos Serfaty" (Ateneo de Guacara, Venezuela), 2015.
* Exhibition: International Painting Competition, Trino Tortosa Gallery (Almería, Spain), 2016.
* Fine Arts Group Exhibition: Natural Presences, Inspiration and Conservation, AVAP (Caracas, Venezuela) 2018.
Part II : The Submission
Title of Work: "Sea Jewels"
A one-sentence description of the work
A still life scene, a silent dialogue between a red paper crane and some sea shells. Oil painting on canvas, 23.6 x 19.6 in. 2020.