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Elizabeth Navarrete, "Principio de Gener

Elizabeth Navarrete, "Generation Principle"

Part I : Biographical Information

 Name of Participant: Elizabeth Navarrete

 Home City/Country: Caracas / Venezuela
 Email address:
 Website address:

 One sentence biography 
  Chilean-Venezuelan sculptor studied at Universidad de Chile. Resides in Venezuela since 1983. Professor of sculpture. The creation of my works represented in volumes of different materials such as: bronze, monochrome and polychrome polymers, translucent resins.

 Presentation History:
 Title of Exhibition, Performance, Publication, Location (city and country), year.

* Sculpture Exhibition Cultural Exchange Japan (University of Chile - Chile), 1981

* Liquid Art, Daniel Suárez Art Center, (Caracas, Venezuela), 2011

* The city We See, Museum of Contemporary Art, (Caracas Venezuela), 2013

* The City We See, CELARG Center for Latin American Studies, (Caracas, Venezuela), 2017.

* Natividad AVAP, Exhibition Eurobuilding Stand, (Caracas, Venezuela), 2018



Part II : The Submission
 Title of Work: "Generation principle"
 A one-sentence description of the work 

Generation principle,  Bronze. 95 x 37 x 34 cm. 2011 Ed: 1/7 In the silence a voice ... that propels us beyond our own understanding, drags us beyond reason ... The Desire - Internal Fire


Tel: +58 212- 7303499

       +58 412-9856017             

AVAP fue creada en 1979
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- Enlaces con galerías, marchand y tiendas de arte a nivel nacional e internacional.
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- Póliza colectiva HCM.
- Credencial AIAP-IAA UNESCO.

La Campiña, Calle ARMANDO REVERON, Sede AVAP

Parroquia El Recreo, Municipio Libertador.

Código Postal 1050 Caracas, Venezuela

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